: {@en} Guide to Fediverse Drama _| t |_his page is an overview of everything i have ever written about the OStatus/ActivityPub fediverse, by date. _| d |_ue to the nature of time, many of these pieces will now be outdated. _| t |_his is not actually a comprehensive guide to fediverse journalism and should not be taken as such. ? @| '| Thoughts on the Future of the Mastodon Ecosystem |' |@{!https://gist.github.com/marrus-sh/384365b448af037661c9e6e28a2d64d6} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| e |_arly thoughts on the long­‑term sustainability of the Mastodon project, in particular looking at specific features needed for supporting certain kinds of community, and different means of acquiring revenue for the project at­‑large. ? @| '| Mourning Mastodon :||Realizing the death which preceded the Universe |' |@{!https://medium.com/@alliethehart/gameingers-are-dead-and-so-is-mastodon-705b535ed616} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| t |_he article that put me on the map regarding fedi drama. _| a |_ critique of upstream Mastodonʼs development practices, at a time when upstream was still the sole progenitor of Mastodon software. _| t |_he historical aspects of this critique are still valid, but the conversation has shifted somewhat since the popularization of fringe Mastodev. ? @| '| Mourning What Now ?!?! :||A response to “ Mourning Mastodon,” by the author |' |@{!https://medium.com/@alliethehart/mourning-what-now-10964cce22a8} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| s |_ome clarifications and meta­‑commentary on '| Mourning Mastodon |', responding to how the original was received. ? @| '| Mastodon Wishlist ( 1/? ) |' |@{!http://marrus.xyz/ledger/mastodon/mastodon-wishlist-020170617.html} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ list of features for Mastodon that i was hopeful might be implemented. ? @| '| Custom Emoji for Mastodon |' |@{!http://marrus.xyz/ledger/mastodon/mastodon-custom-emoji-020170712.html} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ proposal for Mastodon custom emoji using Unicode characters and ZWJ sequences—this is *| not |* the approach upstream Mastodon decided to use. ? @| '| Introducing : Mastodon GO! |' |@{!http://marrus.xyz/ledger/mastodon/introducing-mastodon-go-020171031.html} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_n introduction to a custom Mastodon frontend that i worked on developing as a part of the GlitchSoc fork of Mastodon. _| i |_t includes a brief history of my attempts at Mastodon frontend development, and some analysis of what i believe to be effective frontend design. , ,. ( _| t |_his frontend was never finished ; i left GlitchSoc development before i could bring it to a state of completion. ) , ,: {role=note}. _| t |_he huge gap in writings between this and the next post are for two reasons :— :| #| 1. |#  |: {$White-Space: $NoWrap}_| f |_rom October until the end of the year, i was busy at work building and designing things for GlitchSoc ; and :| #| 2. |#  |: {$White-Space: $NoWrap}_| t |_he vast majority of my time *| after |* the new year was spent either on (inter)personal affairs or exploring non­‑Mastodon RDF approaches to federated content. _| i |_ also made @| a zine |@{!https://www.cybremonday.deals/2018/}. ? @| '| Fringe Mastodev||Part I : The Beginnings |' |@{!https://go.kibi.family/Sep/2018/fringe-beginnings.xhtml} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ re­‑analysis of the period of time leading up to the original '| Mourning Mastodon |' piece, describing my early attempts at forking the Mastodon software. ? @| '| Fringe Mastodev||Part II : Enter Allie Hart |' |@{!https://go.kibi.family/Sep/2018/fringe-allie.xhtml} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ continuätion of the narrative in '| Fringe Mastodev – Part I |', describing the publishing of '| Mourning Mastodon |' and further frontend work. ? @| '| Fringe Mastodev||Part III : Joining GlitchSoc |' |@{!https://go.kibi.family/Oct/2018/fringe-glitch.xhtml} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ history of the founding and early development work on the GlitchSoc fork of Mastodon, of which i was an early contributor. ? @| '| Fringe Mastodev||Part IV : Intermission |' |@{!https://go.kibi.family/Nov/2018/fringe-intermission.xhtml} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ personal and critical analysis of fediverse culture and its treatment of caretakers, drawing on trends which i noticed and experienced throughout the time that i developed for the software. _| t |_his was intended only as an intermission in the '| Fringe Mastodev |' {.BIG} series, but after people started dogpiling my friends for sharing it ( jeez ! ), i stopped writing about Mastodon altogether ( for some time, at least ). ? @| '| This Is Our Fediverse |' |@{!https://go.kibi.family/Documents/ourfedi.xhtml} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ mostly contentless flyer mocking up a pink zine aesthetic for fediverse propaganda. ? @| '| Progressing Fringe Mastodev |' |@{!http://www.u2764.com/page08.xhtml} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_ conclusion to the '| Fringe Mastodev |' {.BIG} series, taking note of more recent developments, and analysing the problems with the open­‑source model as applied to fediverse projects by disadvantaged developers. ? @| '| Building Fedi Motion |' |@{!http://www.u2764.com/page09.xhtml} [| [ `||` ] |[ ,. _| a |_n analysis of “ what sort of problems can be solved through social media ”—with the conclusion “ community problems ”. _| t |_his piece advocates organizing around community issues such as violence as a way of building fediverse solidarity, by getting diverse groups working together rather than simply arguïng about praxis.